Why Choose Keystone Christian Academy?

Keystone Christian Academy lays an academic foundation based upon the belief that if a student learns the basics, they can learn anything. The elementary curriculum emphasizes not just rote memory but comprehension. The scope and sequence of the Bob Jones University Press helps a young person develop throughout their 13 years of learning. This academic foundation allows them to follow the Lord in whatever calling he has for them.
In addition to academics, a Christian school includes the “why” of life. Students are not learning simply to fulfill their goals and objectives. They are encouraged to understand biblical reconciliation with God (salvation) and their responsibility as a child of God. Our heavenly father is like an earthly father in that he has guidelines and expectations. Keystone Christian Academy is the discipleship arm of Keystone Baptist Church. As such, the objective is for every student to lead a Christ-like life.
Some chose the school for its educational philosophy – others choose it for a variety of reasons. Each discipline in an educational institution has a philosophy. For example, the philosophy of science from a Christian perspective helps students see the magnificence of the creator. Unfortunately, the “why” of science is missing in a secular setting. They are frustrated because they see this earth as all there is – a scary thought. If one moves to history, the philosophy is that it is “His-story.” It is the story of God’s interaction with man. Without that, the events of history are random events where the strongest survive unless some tragedy of nature intervenes. Believe it or not, even math, English, and other disciplines have a philosophy. A Christian school with a well-trained Christian staff has thought through and implements that philosophy.
Beyond the educational philosophy, one can choose Keystone Christian Academy because it is a safer environment. Ideally, the peer pressure is more toward pleasing God than pleasing self. While having people (students) means young people with a sin nature, the staff is here to confront poor choices with biblical counsel. One might also choose the Academy for smaller classes and more individual attention. While there are a myriad of reasons, the core is that students are loved and discipled by God-honoring staff members.