We Are Keystone Christian Academy
- History
- Vision
- Leadership
- Teachers
- Affiliations
- Campus
A direct ministry of Keystone Baptist Church (By-Laws & Doctrinal Statement), Keystone Christian Academy was founded in 1975 out of a commitment to the Bible’s command for Christian education. It remains true to that commitment. Keystone Baptist Church is a conservative, independent Baptist church. It is evangelistic and stands without apology for the absolute authority of the Word of God. The Academy is a member of the Old Dominion Association of Church Schools and the American Association of Christian Schools.
“Keystone Christian Academy exists to disciple students so that they love truth, live truth and serve Jesus Christ in the local church.” That is the Mission Statement for this aspect of our ministry. Lord willing, we will see every student achieve to the best of their ability. That means some students will go on to be faithful church members while excelling in blue-collar jobs. Others will prove faithful to their Lord while serving in more prominent secular positions. Still others will dedicate themselves to serving in what we call “full-time” ministry. Like some of our staff, I trust more of our students will become pastors, missionaries, and Christian School teachers.
“The true mark of a leader is the willingness to stick with a bold course of action…even as the rest of the world wonders why you’re not marching in step with the status quo. In other words, real leaders are happy to zig while others zag. They understand that in an era of hyper-competition and non-stop disruption, the only way to stand out from the crowd is to stand for something special.” – Bill Taylor
Keystone Christian Academy has a tirelessly dedicated leadership team with single-minded purpose:
Disciple students so that they love truth, live truth and serve Jesus Christ in the local church.
Secular or sacred, people make the difference in any organization. That is true in Keystone Christian Academy. God has given us a wonderful staff with significant longevity. Staff members are chosen both for their spiritual and academic aptitude. No teacher is perfect but our teachers (with limited exceptions) are members of our church. This means they have to have the same doctrinal positions as our church and school. We are an independent Baptist church. The doctrinal statement of the church is the doctrinal statement of the Academy. With that in mind, our teachers are leaders in the ministry. That comes with added expectations. Their goal must be to evangelize and disciple young people.
ODACS – (vaodacs.com)
ODACS was founded in 1976 by a group of independent Baptist pastors who wanted to “establish a unified voice on behalf of local church schools in the state of Virginia.” Among the purposes spelled out by the founders was keeping member schools informed of current legislation affecting church schools, affiliating with a national organization (the American Association of Christian Schools), and organizing competition among schools in fine arts and athletics.
AACS – (aacs.org)
The AACS is an association of state associations—forty state, regional, and international associations working together to provide legislative oversight, to promote high quality Christian education programs, to encourage the goal of producing Christlike young people, and to provide related institutional and personnel services to our constituents. AACS schools are “educating for eternity.”
Situated beautifully on a hill between Winchester and Berryville, Virginia, Keystone Christian Academy is a place where you and your children will be safe and yet inspired.
Far from the bustle and hurry of metropolitan life, KCA exhibits a calm learning environment. To see for yourself, come visit us or check out some of our photos by clicking here.
Why Choose KCA?
Keystone Christian Academy lays an academic foundation based upon the belief that if a student learns the basics, they can learn anything. The elementary curriculum emphasizes not just rote memory but comprehension. The scope and sequence of the Bob Jones University Press helps a young person develop throughout their 13 years of learning. This academic foundation allows them to follow the Lord in whatever calling he has for them.
In addition to academics, a Christian school includes the “why” of life. Students are not learning simply to fulfill their goals and objectives. They are encouraged to understand biblical reconciliation with God (salvation) and their responsibility as a child of God. Our heavenly father is like an earthly father in that he has guidelines and expectations. Keystone Christian Academy is the discipleship arm of Keystone Baptist Church. As such, the objective is for every student to lead a Christ-like life.
Some chose the school for its educational philosophy – others choose it for a variety of reasons. Each discipline in an educational institution has a philosophy. For example, the philosophy of science from a Christian perspective helps students see the magnificence of the creator. Unfortunately, the “why” of science is missing in a secular setting. They are frustrated because they see this earth as all there is – a scary thought. If one moves to history, the philosophy is that it is “His-story.” It is the story of God’s interaction with man. Without that, the events of history are random events where the strongest survive unless some tragedy of nature intervenes. Believe it or not, even math, English, and other disciplines have a philosophy. A Christian school with a well-trained Christian staff has thought through and implements that philosophy.
Beyond the educational philosophy, one can choose Keystone Christian Academy because it is a safer environment. Ideally, the peer pressure is more toward pleasing God than pleasing self. While having people (students) means young people with a sin nature, the staff is here to confront poor choices with biblical counsel. One might also choose the Academy for smaller classes and more individual attention. While there are a myriad of reasons, the core is that students are loved and discipled by God-honoring staff members.
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